Wednesday 28 December 2011

Week after Christmas

Well, I survived Christmas. Actually, I didn't just survive it, I thrived through it.
I loved every single part of it. Church on Christmas morning with several members of my family.
Christmas lunch with my lovely husband, who, incidentally cooked an amazing array of Christmas delight including turkey, chicken and pork. When I arrived home after picking my Mum up from her church, the smells that wafted out through the open front door were enough to drive me crazy. I was too busy in the morning to eat breakfast.
In the evening we went to one of my son's house and enjoyed a brilliant time with our three sons, two gorgeous daughter in laws and our 15 month old granddaughter who has Grandpa and Grandma wrapt around her little finger.
On Boxing Day our extended family met together for a wonderful time of laughter, playing cricket, eating food and exchanging Kris Kringle gifts. My nearly 80 year old Mum surprised us all when she decided to try her hand at batting. She was the only one to run between wickets. No one else had the energy. I was rather relieved when she didn't have a heart attack from the exersion.
We finished our day by singing a familiar Carol, worshipping our Awesome God, creator of the world who came to visit us as a baby.
 I love Christmas. Thank you Lord Jesus for coming down to earth so we can be saved.


  1. Congratulations on taking the big blog plunge. May God bless what you write.

    Nicole :)

  2. looking forward to learning and listening to you through your blog. Well done for taking the plunge :)

  3. Hey, Great to meet you. Our Christmas was awesome also...A lovely fresh day and not too hot. Blessings. Crystal

  4. Family food fellowship and fun. Awesome.

  5. Sounds like a lovely day. Certainly a day to be grateful for.

  6. Welcome to blogland!
    I love Christmas too - yes a huge thank you to God for the precious babe.

  7. I really enjoyed my Christmas too. You've done a great job, Heather. This is really visually appealing. xo

  8. Thanks so much for all your comments ladies. You are all so encouraging.

  9. Hi Heather,
    I'm glad you had a good Christmas and hope you're enjoying the new year too.

  10. Thanks Paula. I've been a bit slack with my blog. I've had a great Christmas and new year. I hope you have also.
